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Tim's Take On...

May 23, 2014

First up this week a review of the TARDIS copter R/C model, you can see videos of me flying it here and here

My classic series reviews reach Dr Who: The Web Planet otherwise known as planet of the insects, another case of a story that could do with being four rather than six episodes long but you have to admire it's creativity.

You can read more about this week's story here and the wife in space verdict here

End theme is Doctor Who theme(Band aid mix) 

The show is now on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show

If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.